The business formalities of getting married, and some help with planning the fun that comes after!

Hinterland wedding

Planning your wedding should be all fun and games, but there are also a few business-like matters to take care of before you walk down the aisle. Today I’m going to cover everything you need to know when choosing your Sunshine Coast marriage celebrant, we’re also going to dive into all the nitty-gritty details of planning your ceremony, and we’ll finish off with everything you should consider when planning a Sunshine Coast honeymoon: 

  1. Choosing Your Marriage Celebrant 

  2. NOIM 

  3. Ceremony (vows, readings and rituals, recessional)

  4. Ceremony (people to include) 

  5. Ceremony (ceremony rehearsal) 

  6. Honeymoon

wedding ceremony sunshine coast

Choosing Your Marriage Celebrant

Pamela McDonald celebrant

The wedding ceremony is one of the most important parts of your big day, and your marriage celebrant will play a large role in this emotional moment. Ideally, you want a celebrant you can click with instantly, someone who you can trust to carry out your ceremony, to suit your personality, without a hitch. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right celebrant for you: 

  1. Read up on reviews. Once you’ve done an initial Google search, check out reviews and comments on the celebrant’s website and social media. 

  2. Consider asking some of your married friends and family members for referrals on their own celebrants. This information can set you in the right direction. 

  3. Ask questions! Whether this is done through email, phone call, or a meeting, don’t be afraid to have a list of questions for your possible celebrant. 

  4. Find a celebrant that you feel comfortable with, someone who matches your vibe as a couple. Would you prefer a male or female celebrant? Do they need to be religious? Do you want someone to lighten the mood and have fun with during the ceremony, or do you want it to be a serious occasion? Your celebrant will set the tone for the rest of your wedding.

  5. Check they are registered celebrants with Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants.

wedding celebrant Darienne Davis

Notice of Intent to Marry

marriage register

Legally, to get married in Queensland, you must lodge a Notice of Intent to Marry (NOIM). This is lodged with your celebrant, and must be done at least 1 month before your wedding date, and up to 18 months before. Your celebrant will discuss the necessary documents and information you need to make your marriage official. Once your ceremony is complete, your celebrant is also responsible for registering your marriage on your behalf. For more information, read up on the Queensland Government’s ‘Getting Married’ page here.

sunshine coast country wedding
Paula Koda celebrant

Ceremony Vows, Readings, Rituals and Recessionals

Noosa wedding

Traditional wedding ceremonies are possibly the most straight forward when it comes to the order of events, however, your ceremony can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it’s official. Your marriage celebrant must say the Monitum, from the Marriage Act 1961. The Monitum identifies who they (the celebrant) is and that they are registered and that marriage is "solid and binding", they will ask you a question that you understand that you are getting legally married, and wham, bam, thank you ma’am the official part is over, and the rest of the ceremony can be what ever you want it to be.

Here’s what a typical ceremony looks a lot like this: 

brooke carlyon celebrant
noosa wedding ceremony
  1. Processional. This is when family members and the wedding party head down the aisle and take their places; either on a seat or on either side of the wedding altar. The bride’s mother finds her seat, first, then is followed by the groom, best man, wedding party, flower girl, ring bearer, and finally, the bride, with her escort. 

Merlin Coughlan Montville celebrant

2. Welcome and Introduction. The celebrant will welcome the guests with a few words and introduce the couple - this can be done through some brief storytelling of how you both met, a short recap of your relationship, or through some words on what the ceremony and marriage means to you and your fiancée. 

wedding vows

3. Exchange of Vows. The celebrant will now address the couple with the Monitum & words on the responsibilities of marriage and the sanctity of the vows you are about to take. Then, the two of you will take your turns to speak your vows. This part of the ceremony can be quite emotional so make sure to have a tissue tucked away somewhere! 

church wedding ceremony
wedding rituals

4. Unity Ceremony. Some couples opt to include a unity ceremony or ritual. This is when the couple does something that physically symbolises their new marriage. Some examples are; through binding your hands together with a ribbon or using two candles to light one. 

first kiss wedding ceremony

5. The Ring Exchange and Kiss. After the recital of vows, you and your partner will place the rings on each other’s fingers, the ultimate symbols of marriage in society. Now, seal your marriage with a kiss! Congratulations, you’re officially married!

signing the marriage register

6. Signing the Marriage Register is always a special moment. Your witnesses must be 18 years and older and have witnessed the ceremony and your promise to one another. You might choose someone from your bridal party, or maybe even your parents.

rose petal toss at ceremony

7.Closing Remarks and the Recessional. This the time when the celebrant will say a few words of encouragement to the couple, or, if you’re religion, a prayer may be said. Then, the celebrant will pronounce you’re officially married and introduce you as a married couple to our guests. The newlyweds will then lead the recessional down the aisle as guests applaud & cheer. I personally love it when guest throw flower petals, confetti or blow bubbles down the aisle, it adds pure magic to the moment that looks amazing in photos.

Ceremony Rehearsal

A ceremony rehearsal is always a good idea. If you cannot make it to the location before the wedding day, then consider rehearsing in a park, your backyard, or even your own home. Remind your wedding party to take their time walking down the aisle, look up and smile at guests, remind your bridesmaids to hold their bouquet at belly-button height. Finally, do some final check-ins with those responsible for any pets or children involved in the ceremony to ensure everything is in order.

annabella the wedding chapel

The Honeymoon

Don’t quite know where to honeymoon? Don’t leave the planning too late! Why not consider spending your newlywed days on the Sunshine Coast. Home to some of Queensland’s most romantic resorts and stays, you’re bound to find somewhere breathtaking to stay:

Finding the best wedding suppliers can be overwhelming. To help plan your wedding on the Sunshine Coast, I have created a wedding directory of my favourite Sunshine Coast marriage celebrants and Accommodation, that I know will go the extra mile to ensure your wedding is special and unique to you.


Suzanne Riley marriage celebrant

If you’re looking for a photographer who is more like a friend than a stranger and one that is there to cheer you on and get excited about your wedding day, I'm your girl. I'd love to be your photographer and help make your wedding dream come true.


